Category: Beginner

Posted in Beginner

Rainbow Flag in Pygame

This little Pygame program paints the Rainbow Flag, as used by the LGBT movement. It illustrates: Importing the Pygame library… read more Rainbow Flag in Pygame

Posted in Beginner Turtle

A Fake Circle made of Straight Lines

Inspired by this post on Reddit, I wrote this little script to do the same thing. The circle is an… read more A Fake Circle made of Straight Lines

Posted in Beginner Fractals Turtle

Tweetable Python Code Golf

Code Golf is the amusement of writing as short as possible a program to perform a given task. So for… read more Tweetable Python Code Golf

Posted in Beginner Turtle

Turtle Star

A very simple Turtle program. Turtle can draw intricate shapes using programs that repeat simple moves. Turtle graphics is a… read more Turtle Star

Posted in Beginner Turtle

Square Spiral

This is a very simple introduction to Turtle graphics. The turtle starts in the middle of the window, moves forward… read more Square Spiral