Category: Beginner

Posted in Beginner
Rainbow Flag in Pygame
This little Pygame program paints the Rainbow Flag, as used by the LGBT movement. It illustrates: Importing the Pygame library… read more Rainbow Flag in Pygame
A Fake Circle made of Straight Lines
Inspired by this post on Reddit, I wrote this little script to do the same thing. The circle is an… read more A Fake Circle made of Straight Lines
Mandrian 15th June 2015
Tweetable Python Code Golf
Code Golf is the amusement of writing as short as possible a program to perform a given task. So for… read more Tweetable Python Code Golf
Mandrian 9th June 2015
Turtle Star
A very simple Turtle program. Turtle can draw intricate shapes using programs that repeat simple moves. Turtle graphics is a… read more Turtle Star
Square Spiral
This is a very simple introduction to Turtle graphics. The turtle starts in the middle of the window, moves forward… read more Square Spiral